Nur kurz vorab: Ich musste die Mongolei leider etwas fluchtartig verlassen, da ich die tolle Idee hatte, dort per Anhalter zu fahren (so dass ich fuer 600km drei Tage gebraucht habe...) Deswegen war ich zu spaet in UB (mein Visum lief ab...) und ich musste schnell mit Hilfer meiner neuen Freunde von der kommunistischen Partei der Monoglei ein Nachtzugticket zur Grenze kaufen. Aber dazu spaeter....
I arrived safely in Beijing and i have a new mobile number now! The mongolian number is not working anymore! 15201128396 Thats the number. I don't know anything about the chinese precodes, you have to find out by yourself, sorry...
Thanks for all the nice emails for my birthday!! I enjoyed this day here in Beijing and rent a bycicle with a friend. Exploring Beijing by bycicle is the best! It reminds me home....
I was little sad that i was not with my friends at home, but i had a great day!
The third thing i have to say is:
My Blog doesn't work here in china. This internet-page is not allowed at all, and there are a few more (like U-tube...). So, with the help of my sister i will try to keep you updated. But it will be much more difficult than in other countys. They even find out about what you're talking when you are on icq (or any other chat)...after a few minutes the connection failured....but thanks to Pfueller for the information!
Ihr hoert demnaechst mehr - jetzt erstmal schoene Sommertage euch allen!!
Hi sarah,
AntwortenLöschennachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Und krieg bloss keine Schlitzaugen ;-)
Liebe Grüße Susi