People usually asking me, how it is possible to travel alone. I can barely give them any answer. I think it is possible cause of all the nice, hospitality people around the globe. It doesnt matter where i am, i 'm experiencing pure hospitality and open-minded, helpfull people.
For me it is like a network - people are with me some days, or just for a ride while hitch-hiking - and they are taking conscientiously the responsibility for you and that part of the journey. They are feeding, helping with informations, offering places to sleep or they delight me with little presents! I was tongueless in a lot of situations because of receiving so much good things!
But i will do it like the couchsurfing spirit - i will always give it back to the next person i meet.
"The time that Sarah stayed at my apartment were the days when this place felt the warmest and most welcoming it has ever felt. Gifts, food, and promises of future hosting were exchanged. She is bright, independent, and seems to have a wonderful way of seeing the world. I thoroughly enjoyed having Sarah in my home. What a wonderful couchsurfer!"
(Joe from China/Beijing)
"Meeting Sarah was like experiencing the true spirit of Couchsurfing; she brought back stories from her travels through Europe and Asia, from Germany to China and back and enriched my own desire of traveling. This stories are just like the sand from the Mongolian sandstorm that jammed Sarahs camera: my mind stood still and needed some time to contemplate.
She is a very nice person, intelligent and fun to spend some (or more) time with. I hope we meet again - maybe half way around the world?"
(Christian from Cluj/Romania)
And sometimes it is suprising, you can have apperently a big influence on people:
"Sarah, you are the girl who made me finally changing my view on what to do next in life. I quit my job, and started traveling for fun. I don't know how you make it through so many months and countries, going with just a one but bulky backsack... You are great, stay the same."
(Alexeji from Russia/Moscow)
"When I first saw Sarah (aka wonder woman) I thought 2 things. 1. fellow long term traveler. 2. maybe she will hitch hike to tibet with me.
I was right on both accounts :) I got to spend a week with her while we extended our visa's in Shanghai, hitched out of shanghai when it was POURING RAIN (it rained whenever we started to hh :) ) and then a 5 day hitch hike to chengdue. then we hitch hiked through the tibetan plateau, across the taklimakan desert...so many things happened.
It was one of the most amazing parts of my journey - and I am so happy that I was able to share it with Sarah. She is so independant! Even when she was puking her guts out she still fought me over me carrying her backpack!
She is delightful. Meet her. Feed her chocolate :)"
(Taylor from Canada)
"I am really glad to know you guys, friends from far away. When i first saw you i fell like i know you before. You are very happy people and that makes me feel happy, too, cause i like happy people. I am worrieng you think i am up for sth. bad, so i found my friend to translate on the phone because of that. I hope you liked that food tonight. I hope you enjoyed it. I am very happy to have the opportunity to spend the night with two foreigners from Canada and Germany, ecspecially when the beautiful german girl used the guitar to play and sing. I will never forget this night. I thank Buddha that i have a wonderful day with you and you helped me to be happy and blessed forever. My name is Zhu Jau Bing."
(Chinese Truck driver on the road to Tibet)
I would like to thank all the people for being such a nice part of my journey! Thanks for all the help - making it possible to travel safe as a woman alone!
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